Chanyeol`s birthday is just around the corner but Kris was busy with work. He was cool about it until he saw Kris with a woman. What is really going on? ForewordFor Everyone (Hi~!) Genre/Rating: Fluf...
King Chanyeol goes on a journey of discovering himself and falling for his newly appointed Knight. ForewordThis is my entry for Chanyeol exchange on Livejournal. Ill post it here once reveals are out...
Based on this and this ForewordIts a little drabble, been wanting to write something kind of bassed on those poems and idk, hope you guys like it.
Hello everyone~! Finally the long wait is over! Here is our official Masterlist fics for FanForYeol 2014! All of the stories from Day 1 till final mod day will be posted here so if you want to be upd...
Chanyeol and Yifan are on rival swimteams, but there are no hard feelings. Well, maybe a little bit. ForewordFor yanet09Genre/Rating: fluff, PG-13 for sexual humorWords: 6,122Authors Note: wow, I had...
Chanyeol always feared getting close to people, they all left anyway. Until he gets a pushy emoticon abuser mystery text messenger to change his mind. ForewordFor rememorariGenre/Rating: Fluff, Roman...
Chanyeol and Yifan are getting married ForewordFor shandiGenre/Rating: fluff/romance, PG13 for languageWords: 3.8kAuthors Note: I think I restarted this one three times?? either way, Im happy with ho...
Chanyeol knew himself inside and out. Too bad his parents were so damn ignorant. ForewordFor HNlovesKYGenre/Rating: Romance, Angst, RWarning: Gender dysphoria, misgendering Words: 5943Authors Note: A...
Being a librarian, apparently, had never been in the list of what Wu Yifan wanted to be for living. ForewordFor nachtegaelGenre/Rating: Romance, slight AngstWords: 5,142Authors Note: thank you mods f...
Yifan is starting over, one trash bag, runny nose, and friendly art teacher at a time. ForewordFor EXOcruxGenre/Rating: humor, romance, angst, kid!AU, PG13Warning: slight!past!Kris/Jessica, mentions ...